Services include singing, organ music, sermons, bells, incense, pagentry, and other fun stuff that teach you more about the Christian religion and keep you entertained.
Come learn more about the religions of Portland on our first annual "Joy of Sects on Christmas" ride.
We'll have two special guests -- the Reverend Jason and Sister Yumi from the Bike Church in Davis, CA. Sister Yumi is the daughter of a former nun, and the Reverend Jason is a former Southern Baptist, they can answer questions about various Christian denominations, including Catholicism.
* 8:00 pm, meet at Pasture Ted's house for hot toddys and chocolate. 60 NE Tillamook St.
* 8:30 -- Ride!
* 9:00 pm, First Presbyterian Church, SW 12th and Alder
Featuring handbells, lessons, and a "chancel choir"
*11:00 pm St Mary's Catholic Cathedral, NW 17th and Davis
Featuring singing of carols at 11pm, midnight mass at 12:00am. Lots of incense, maybe a kiddy's nativity play.
Weather forecast? Partly cloudy, low of 30.
Questions, comments, or want to meet up with the ride midway? Call Ted at 530-848-3615 (not 503) or email ted101@gmail.com
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