The busy sacred summer season begins in Portland this week, where Bicycle Believers have two Holy Days to observe in the same week.
First, Sunday Parkways -- Sunday May 16th, 10am - 3pm.
Enjoy 8 miles of car free streets in inner NE Portland, Linking Woodlawn park, Alberta Park, Whilshire Park and Fernhill Park. Tens of thousands of bicyclists and pedestrians will flood the route. It's great, it's slow, it's car-free. It's a good time to bring your non-believing or questioning friends out for a bike ride. You'll have plenty of things to see, places to stop, and they don't need to worry about "slowing you down."
More info:
* Our report from last July's Sunday Parkways, where thousands were baptised.
* Primer from bikeportland.org
* Map from the City of Portland.
Second, the Ride of Silence.
The Ride of Silence is a memorial ride to recognize and grieve those who have died on their bicycles. Portland has lost a handful of bicyclists in the last year, and certainly many of us have come uncomfortably close to being squished ourselves.
Wed May 19th, meet at Holliday Park in the Lloyd Center. Meet at 6:30, roll out at 7:00 pm. (At the Lloyd Center MAX station). Ride is 5 miles.
More info:
* Official information sheet
* National ride web page
* Bike Portland post
Yours in The Faith,
Pasture Ted
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